Hunter Rowton

Hunter Rowton

Game, Animation, & Simulation Design

Artist Biography: Hunter is from the small town of Fouke, Arkansas where he grew up and currently lives. He grew up shooting guns, playing video games and drawing. Those were three of his favorite things in the world to him as a child. Hunter spent his whole life in Fouke and graduated from Fouke High School with little accolades to predict any future success in any professional field of art. Hunter did grow up drawing throughout his young academic career and he indeed loved to draw, but once getting into high school, Hunter’s love for art slowly diminished into the back of his mind and interests. In 2016, Hunter enrolled into the Game, Animation and Simulation design program at Southern Arkansas University and with his love for art that he felt long ago in his younger days as a child reinstituted due to the possibilities in front of him, he began his path towards an art degree.

Fast forward to today, Hunter is a senior and his art has improved drastically from his previous years. Hunter’s art consists of mainly 3D models of weapons and everyday products he is familiar with and has seen all his life. Whether those weapons or objects being from personal interactions or within a beloved video game he grew up playing. All of Hunter’s 3D art is connected through his love for weapons, video games and the process of making real life objects he finds fascinating or appealing to the eye into technical 3D art.

Throughout Hunter’s artistic career at SAU, he realized that the message he wants to convey to his viewers is that artists should create what they want and what art is to them in their minds. Also to know that with every piece he creates, to know that he made it because it appealed to him and because he wanted to create his own version of it. Lastly, take criticism and critique whole-heartedly but in the end, make your art what you want it to be.

Hunter's Work

Synthesis- Senior Project
Synthesis- Senior Project

In 2019, I had the honor of working alongside my fellow classmates to create a game of our own design.

Bone Temple
Bone Temple

This is a scene I created from an idea I had one day which is loosely based on ancient gothic temples, with a hidden story that has yet to be uncovered.

Weapons from beloved video games
Weapons from beloved video games

Here are two weapons from two video game franchises I grew up playing throughout my childhood.

Old Washington
Old Washington

My fellow classmates along with myself were commissioned to create interactable 3D models of historic weapons for the Old Washington weapons museum.

Senior Capstone Presentation of Work